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Academics & Curriculum

Students in Horizon International School gather daily in Horizon Church engaging in a blending learning community at various levels and stages of education.

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Elementary Level

Elementary students are taught by a face-to-face teachers, who uses a combination of Abeka, Saxon, Apologia, and Santillana curriculum.


Students are each taught at their level for math, reading, phonics, spelling and writing and benefit from whole-group instruction for bible, art, music and science.

Middle & High School Level

Middle School is also mostly taught by face-to-face teacher instruction for core academic classes. The main exception to this is Math which is taught online through Shormann.​


High School is taught in a blended format. Most of the core academic classes are delivered through a virtual partner. We provide a mentor/tutor for face to face assistance throughout the weekly schedule.  


In the afternoon, students participate with in-person activities depending on grade level including Chapel, Spanish, Miscellaneous Skill Workshops, Art, Music, Coding, and Physical Education (PE), 





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Additional Information

All students break midday for a community lunch, often a hot meal cooked by Ocean's Edge Ministry and a time of fellowship.  


Afternoons consist of daily physical education, music, art, coding, Spanish classes and enrichment.  


Enrichment courses have included a variety of offerings including baking, woodworking, art, ceramics, drawing, CPR classes, science and more.  


Every semester students attend field trips to locations such as the mangroves, local farms, public facilities such as the fire department.  We also have Fun Fridays and Community Service projects throughout the year.


The students of Horizon International School have the benefit of being rooted in Christian faith curriculum, being housed inside the walls of a very supportive church community and include routine bible teachings and worship each Monday, Wednesday and Friday with a entire school group weekly Chapel.


At the core of our School, we know that Christ is first, excellent academics a near second and all throughout an opportunity to serve others both inside and outside of the classroom.  We delight in the teaching of core values and morals that align with the truth of scripture and we embrace our bilingual community in making an impact each day on this next generation.

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